Andrea Gordillo
Artist Leader | 2016 - 2017 Artist-in-Residence
Photo: Kyle Klein Perler
Andrea Alejandra Gordillo Marquina identifies as a queer mestiza artist-educator-bridge-immigrant from Perú. Their particular lens on inclusion focuses on the link between representation of self and power in the public arena for migrants and displaced people, with a particular focus on adolescents, women, and LGBTQ communities. Their work strives to build bridges between communities they belong to and platforms for those communities to share stories to combat the "dominant narrative." As a 2016-2017 ACI Artist-in-Residence, Andrea traveled to Oaxaca, México to study, learn, and collaborate with the staff and migrants at Hermanos en el Camino, a shelter for Central American migrants. This year, they will focus on showing the work created to international audiences. Andrea received their BA in Theatre Studies from Emerson College, and Ed.M. in the Arts in Education from The Harvard Graduate School of Education.