Alia Ali
Artist Leader Alumni | 2015-2016 Rising Artist
Photo: Alia Ali
Alia Ali (born Austria, 1985) is a Yemeni-Bosnian-American multi-media artist and visual storyteller. Having traveled to fifty-three countries, lived in seven and grown up among five languages, her most comfortable mode of communication is through image and multi-sensory mediums. She beckons viewers to question the language with which they originated, and the adoption of language for understanding, exploring communication and miscommunication simultaneously. Alia is a graduate of the United World College of the Atlantic (UWCAC) and holds a BA in Studio Art and Middle Eastern Studies from Wellesley College. Her recent work has been featured at the Ogden Museum of Southern Art as part of PhotoNOLA, the Marrakech Biennale as part of the Swiss-Moroccan KE’CH Collective, at PhotoLondon as part of the LensCulture Exposure Awards, and most recently the Kuala Lumpur International Photo Awards in Malaysia. Most recently, she was awarded the Alice C. Cole '42 Alumnae Award of Wellesley College, LensCulture's Emerging Talent Awards 2016 and the Gold for Fine Art Category of the Tokyo International Foto Awards.
Follow Alia on Vimeo.