ACI's Artist Leader; Basil Kincaid, dives into his interests, some newly found -- others revisited through new lenses. #ArtsConnectInternational #ArtistLeader
Our artist leader Basil Kincaid talks about his art through the lens of materials he interacts with during his stay in Ghana #ArtsConnectInternational#ArtistLeader
In this month's artist blog Basil takes us through some of the conceptual questions burning behind his new instillation work- giving an insiders perspective on the provocative environmental issues propelling his work.
This month's artist blog is a beautiful and poignant piece on identity- examining the roots with which we ground and the duality of transience in identity- taking poetic form, by Basil Kincaid.
In this post Basil reflects on his journey to Accra, and the initial questions and thoughts that provoke his artwork upon re-locating to this new community.