We are thrilled to advocate for Artist Leader Alumni Stephen Hamilton's prestigious solo show at the National Center of Afro-American Artists in Roxbury! Make sure to come out and support his beautiful work. Here is a description of the event, in Stephen's own words:

"For everyone in the Boston area please come out and support Black Gods Live an exhibition featuring the works I created while working and learning at the Nike Center For Art and culture in Osogbo, Lagos and Ogidi-Ijumu, Nigeria. The work was made possible through collaboration with Arts Connect International an organization dedicated to supporting artists with a focus on social change. The exhibition features works exploring Black thought and aesthetics in Africa and the Americas. Black Gods Live merges traditional Yoruba arts with western painting traditions, exploring divinity, imagery and symbolism deeply rooted in Yoruba philosophy. The exhibition is housed at the historic Museum of The National Center of Afro-American Artists from October 23rd -January 27th. We will be having our opening reception on Thursday November 10th from 5-8pm. Words cannot express how honored I am to show my work at such a prestigious institution within my own community, an institution dedicated to preserving the Black artistic legacy of Boston. I hope to see you all there!"

To get more information about the event, visit the facebook page. Additionally, learn more about the artist in this video: