7 Dresses 4 Health

#7D4H - Guest Blogger Majo Aldana #MCH

#7D4H - Guest Blogger Majo Aldana #MCH

Guest blogger Majo writes to us from Guatemala on Maternal Child Health (MCH), technology and racial implications to health access and equity. "Yes, we can strengthen local health systems using ICTs and contribute to reduce maternal mortality rates. But what about individual people, individual lives and quality of life of those who survive the country’s statistics?"

#7D4H - Launch!

#7D4H - Launch!

The team at Arts Connect International surveyed over 2,000 global healthcare practitioners and asked them to identify the top seven causes that their community currently struggles with; in other words, health causes that need more education and visibility. We found ourselves overwhelmed with the warm and enthusiastic response from providers located across the US, and Sub-Saharan Africa (Malawi, Zambia, Uganda, Rwanda, and Burundi). The top seven causes identified include: HIV/AIDS, Nutrition (malnutrition and diabetes), Cancer, Heart Disease, Mental Health, Disability, and Maternal Child Health. Although this is not an exhaustive list by any stretch, we feel that it is an inclusive and comprehensive list that encompasses many pressing causes facing our world today.